Awkward Heals
New member

"How irritating."
Two words were spoken slowly. Flat. Devoid of any emotion but disgust.
Barren land stretched out, devoid of any notable scenery.
"I'm leaving."
Turning her back, bright orbs observed the direction from which they had traveled. She supposed she might turn back, return to where she had been before. That place at least looked somewhat interesting. Or perhaps she would find herself in the Menos Forest once again. Agitation clawed its way deeper into her belly. Having only traveled to this place due to the strong presences she had felt there, all to discover they lived in such disgusting conditions. Her disappointment was palpable. So fascinated by the multiple creatures whose reiatsu she had kept feeling. All of them in fairly close quarters to each other, yet they remained alive and well for the most part. Curious as to exactly what was occurring she had taken the chance to see it with her own eyes. And now, thanks to the awful aesthetic of the land, she had lost her chance.
Guttural clicking and grinding sounds manifested behind her. This only prompted the woman's ire, having whipped her head around to stare the two creatures down. Her glaring eyes seemed to pierce through them, yet it bothered them none at all. Accustomed to such treatment, they were well aware of their arrangement. Though they depended on Iulia greatly, she also depended upon them. If their requests were kept simple or logical by Iulia's standards, they could usually convince the woman to listen. The strange noises resumed, emitted from the two hollows that followed Iulia's every step. The many years spent together had led to the female being able to understand them completely, though they themselves had never attempted a different language.

Their logic was simple: Iulia had not paid enough attention. Before their words could draw more of her rage, they continued. Near them, beyond a slight hill, The Twins had sighted a small pool of water. Having arrived before her as she took a more leisurely pace to take in her surroundings, they had the opportunity to spot another hollow disappearing into said water.
Iulia's eyes instantly moved to the area the elder twin had pointed to. Able to spot it quickly, she also noted the creature they had seen was already quite a distance away. Uncertain of how deep the pool went, as well as exactly how long it went on for and whether or not there was even an exit or simply underwater channels for such a being to call home. Iulia would not follow. She would not risk her safety for such a being. The Twins offered they instead follow along above ground. It would be a more simple matter to breach the female hollow's home from above, wherever she decided to nestle in. Supposing this was true enough, Iulia agreed.
With a quicker pace than before, Iulia set off, following after her new target. Although she appeared strong enough to challenge Iulia, perhaps she would have useful information. If the other lowered her guard enough, then that would be Iulia's chance to strike. Otherwise, she would simply leave. Despite being so truly surprised, such emotion didn't show on her face. Spawling out before her now, beyond a hill that from a distance had appeared smaller than it truly was. Beyond this lie a massive construction, a building that appeared so elegantly constructed. This was so much more than she had even hoped.
Once again, Iulia was elated. Was it a palace that lie before her? Some sort of community? She cared little about the ideas of friends. Comrades, on the other hand, were essential. Perhaps such was the reasoning behind so many strong and consistent presences. However much delight she may have felt, reality and self-preservation nagged her. She could not allow herself to be brought into more peril than she could escape. I want to see it. Pausing as she focused, Iulia concealed her Reiryoku quickly and with ease.
Pushing onward, the Twins close behind, Iulia honed in on the locations of those within as well as her initial target. It might be a bit of a struggle, but the tunnel that connected the inside of the building and the pool without was her best chance at an escape plan. She had to focus first on this point. At the entrance nearest to where the female now remained, Iulia could feel others in the area. Some seeming to be in the heat of battle, her concealed self would be all the more difficult to sniff out. Slipping into the building easily, she immediately moved into sonido. Rapidly creating distance between herself and the majority of those inside, she frowned to realize that her prey was no longer alone. Two accompanied her, but it would seem as though they were at odds. Remaining at a distance, yet staying near enough that she was able to observe closely.
The woman was inside that room. Yet Iulia could not see inside. Her fingers twitched in anger. She could now only assume the pool was also there, though the entrance was blocked by a man and another woman, this one with magenta hair, fighting in what she guessed was to the death. She supposed she had a little more time to watch the events that unfolded and learn what she could about the strange place. Then she could return the way she had entered. If she did so soon enough, she increased her chances of remaining unnoticed. For now, her eyes could not look away from the dueling pair.
How beautiful
It had not escaped her attention how equisettely made their clothing was. Iulia had spent many years searching for a being that could craft clothing to her standards, yet despite all that, she had still resorted to a quality that she would typically spit upon. Yet no matter how well made they were, neither of the two seemed to mind at all if they were soiling and destroying them. Was it such a simple item for them to acquire? Interest piqued all the more, Iulia remained where she was.