“An experienced fighter always keeps moving.” Maho flashed back to some teachings from Jury, his old captain. ” Even when facing a more experienced opponent. You must utilize what you are best at to your advantage. For some that may mean keeping a distance, for others, it is best to apply the pressure full throttle. Otherwise...” The voice trailed off into the expanse of his mind, time returning toward its normal flow around him. Of all things…It was these days that he missed the most, memories he could never forget. So long as he could fight, he would hold true to those ideals. That is why in the moment, when most would run…
He chose instead. To fight.
This was true even more so than now. In many cases, a Shinigami must thrust caution to the horizon and face a problem head-on. So long as one is able to quickly deduce the details down to a fine point, one need only the will and the finesse to achieve victory. He had long since overcome his hesitance. He had long since stumbled well beyond those limitations. His own experience was beginning to shine through and despite his bravery, he was no fool. The instant full metal’s abilities were revealed to his opponent, he would lose the element of surprise. There could seldom be an opening as good as this one, so he thought. He had succeeded in striking Captain Higen with his improvised Sokotsu, though it wasn’t a pair of fists that collided with his arm, but rather, the surface of his black palms. In just that amount of contact, a good degree of information was relayed to Maho, via the reiatsu that was absorbed into Full metal itself.
” Damage, minimal. Response time, adequate. Hmph... what was it I hit? I sense…a layer of reiryoku? Is that some sort of technique...? I see…”
It was true, Maho was a much younger Shinigami. Despite this, his combat sense was well refined, even amongst Shinigami double his age. His raw instincts and observative nature carrying him where his natural abilities would not. He knew full and well that his Zanpakuto was unique, in that it was a constant release type. Unfortunately, he cared not to allow Higen the curtesy of drawing his and would work diligently to stop him. Any Shinigami worth their salt knew that fellow Shinigami were but a fraction of their strength until they unseal their blade. He had to keep the odds in his favor.
"Not so fast, Old man!"
As contact was made, these auxiliary limbs clamped down, attempting to latch onto the defending captain’s arm. This would occur rather swiftly and if successful, or even if not, Maho himself would immediately thrust his arms outward. The extended arms momentum would carry them forward, Dragging Higen deeper into the dirt roughly three or four feet. before coming to a full stop. They could be controlled freely so long as the user had the spirit energy and concentration to keep them up. The rapid removal of his arms caused the black metal that encasing his limbs to snap out. Audibly, it was as though a sword had broken in two, bits of black metal shattered off and splintered along the ground disappearing into the gravel. This action would leave jagged blade-like edges on his elbows. From here he would take advantage of his shifting weight to initiate a singlestep, his appearance bleeding from view in a simultaneous flicker. Up until this point, he had been using his own physicality and dexterity to maneuver, but now he had finally ascended to shunpo upon finding, what he believed to be an opening.
The creation of these extra limbs now gave Maho a total of four to play with. The two, encasing his arms and the two that had extended to strike Higen. If grasped, he would find it demanding to move his arm how he desired. Even if they could only hold him in place for a single instant, that was all Maho needed. If all had gone according to plan, with Higen’s arm now in at least one of his Zanpakuto’s grasp, the two would begin melding back together. This process was seamless, the black steel-like material melding into itself like a clay molt. In half a second the two extra limbs became one large hand, one that would attempt to latch onto his upper torso and eventually his face. Maho couldn’t allow Higen to do as he pleased; for only a fool would sit idle after a chance like this.
In a single fluid motion, Maho rematerialized a half foot before Higen, well within his striking range. He had curled his arms into a tight guard just underneath his eyes so that most of his torso was defended. The act of swaying one’s body in the act of Shunpo wasn’t a recognized event. This meant he had at this moment, improvised his own variation of flash-step. Years from now, he would dub this technique the Atsuen kōtei (lit. Rolling Step)
As his body swayed, from left to right, all of that momentum was carried along with him, creating a single afterimage upon his reentry. For the most part, he was out of view, being so much shorter than his opponent meant that when he ducked, he could attack from a blind-spot. His auxiliary limbs made up for any slack in coverage, eliminating any means of being spotted visually. Even if Higen could detect him through his spiritual energy, he could not see exactly what he was attempting to do, even if it was fairly obvious.
His legs were spaced roughly two feet apart and were bent rather low. His legs sprung up along with his upper torso and arms in order to aid his motions. When it was all said and done, his right arm formed a sharp ninety-degree angle, like a dagger. Its trajectory was skyward in a perfectly-timed arc. Such sharpness was reserved only for a well-trained combatant. The metal around his fingers sharpened into small blades, his fingers clasped tightly together, as spiritual energy lined the entirety of both his body and his arms. If he could not pierce Higen’s flesh, a blow like this, aimed at such a vital point, would have a respectable impact, hopefully stunning him in place.
Initially, it would hit with a crack, hopefully challenging the very wall that was Higen's boisterous frame. His form was pristine, his timing? Well executed, so much so that Higen would have, in this moment have to choose,
Attempt to overpower full metal’s arms or remain on the defensive.
This is what Maho perceived to be the only viable options for his senior. With such spot-on timing, Higen would have to eat one to the chin, if he wanted to unsheathe his own blade. There was, with anything else, a margin of error. Maybe his opponent utilizes his other hand, maybe he activates a kido spell, hell, he could even tris and falls on his ass. It didn’t matter to Maho, He trusted the swiftness in his step, and truly believed that no matter what it was, he could react accordingly. He would not relent whether his strike was successful or not, fully prepared to continue with a combination of strikes.
Maho’s spiritual energy continued to escalate, along with the potency of his spiritual pressure. He was preparing for his opponents own spiritual power to do the same, should he fail. This was based solely on instinct. For as long as these arms, should they have met success, remained in contact with master Higen, they would steadily drain energy from his being. This in turn would augment their strength over time. He was fully prepared for the consequences of failure, ready to match his opponent’s spiritual energy or his physical strength with his own.