[BSD-RP] The Valley of Screams





“An experienced fighter always keeps moving.” Maho flashed back to some teachings from Jury, his old captain. ” Even when facing a more experienced opponent. You must utilize what you are best at to your advantage. For some that may mean keeping a distance, for others, it is best to apply the pressure full throttle. Otherwise...” The voice trailed off into the expanse of his mind, time returning toward its normal flow around him. Of all things…It was these days that he missed the most, memories he could never forget. So long as he could fight, he would hold true to those ideals. That is why in the moment, when most would run…
He chose instead. To fight.
This was true even more so than now. In many cases, a Shinigami must thrust caution to the horizon and face a problem head-on. So long as one is able to quickly deduce the details down to a fine point, one need only the will and the finesse to achieve victory. He had long since overcome his hesitance. He had long since stumbled well beyond those limitations. His own experience was beginning to shine through and despite his bravery, he was no fool. The instant full metal’s abilities were revealed to his opponent, he would lose the element of surprise. There could seldom be an opening as good as this one, so he thought. He had succeeded in striking Captain Higen with his improvised Sokotsu, though it wasn’t a pair of fists that collided with his arm, but rather, the surface of his black palms. In just that amount of contact, a good degree of information was relayed to Maho, via the reiatsu that was absorbed into Full metal itself.
” Damage, minimal. Response time, adequate. Hmph... what was it I hit? I sense…a layer of reiryoku? Is that some sort of technique...? I see…”
It was true, Maho was a much younger Shinigami. Despite this, his combat sense was well refined, even amongst Shinigami double his age. His raw instincts and observative nature carrying him where his natural abilities would not. He knew full and well that his Zanpakuto was unique, in that it was a constant release type. Unfortunately, he cared not to allow Higen the curtesy of drawing his and would work diligently to stop him. Any Shinigami worth their salt knew that fellow Shinigami were but a fraction of their strength until they unseal their blade. He had to keep the odds in his favor.

"Not so fast, Old man!"
As contact was made, these auxiliary limbs clamped down, attempting to latch onto the defending captain’s arm. This would occur rather swiftly and if successful, or even if not, Maho himself would immediately thrust his arms outward. The extended arms momentum would carry them forward, Dragging Higen deeper into the dirt roughly three or four feet. before coming to a full stop. They could be controlled freely so long as the user had the spirit energy and concentration to keep them up. The rapid removal of his arms caused the black metal that encasing his limbs to snap out. Audibly, it was as though a sword had broken in two, bits of black metal shattered off and splintered along the ground disappearing into the gravel. This action would leave jagged blade-like edges on his elbows. From here he would take advantage of his shifting weight to initiate a singlestep, his appearance bleeding from view in a simultaneous flicker. Up until this point, he had been using his own physicality and dexterity to maneuver, but now he had finally ascended to shunpo upon finding, what he believed to be an opening.
The creation of these extra limbs now gave Maho a total of four to play with. The two, encasing his arms and the two that had extended to strike Higen. If grasped, he would find it demanding to move his arm how he desired. Even if they could only hold him in place for a single instant, that was all Maho needed. If all had gone according to plan, with Higen’s arm now in at least one of his Zanpakuto’s grasp, the two would begin melding back together. This process was seamless, the black steel-like material melding into itself like a clay molt. In half a second the two extra limbs became one large hand, one that would attempt to latch onto his upper torso and eventually his face. Maho couldn’t allow Higen to do as he pleased; for only a fool would sit idle after a chance like this.

In a single fluid motion, Maho rematerialized a half foot before Higen, well within his striking range. He had curled his arms into a tight guard just underneath his eyes so that most of his torso was defended. The act of swaying one’s body in the act of Shunpo wasn’t a recognized event. This meant he had at this moment, improvised his own variation of flash-step. Years from now, he would dub this technique the Atsuen kōtei (lit. Rolling Step)
As his body swayed, from left to right, all of that momentum was carried along with him, creating a single afterimage upon his reentry. For the most part, he was out of view, being so much shorter than his opponent meant that when he ducked, he could attack from a blind-spot. His auxiliary limbs made up for any slack in coverage, eliminating any means of being spotted visually. Even if Higen could detect him through his spiritual energy, he could not see exactly what he was attempting to do, even if it was fairly obvious.
His legs were spaced roughly two feet apart and were bent rather low. His legs sprung up along with his upper torso and arms in order to aid his motions. When it was all said and done, his right arm formed a sharp ninety-degree angle, like a dagger. Its trajectory was skyward in a perfectly-timed arc. Such sharpness was reserved only for a well-trained combatant. The metal around his fingers sharpened into small blades, his fingers clasped tightly together, as spiritual energy lined the entirety of both his body and his arms. If he could not pierce Higen’s flesh, a blow like this, aimed at such a vital point, would have a respectable impact, hopefully stunning him in place.
Initially, it would hit with a crack, hopefully challenging the very wall that was Higen's boisterous frame. His form was pristine, his timing? Well executed, so much so that Higen would have, in this moment have to choose,
Attempt to overpower full metal’s arms or remain on the defensive.
This is what Maho perceived to be the only viable options for his senior. With such spot-on timing, Higen would have to eat one to the chin, if he wanted to unsheathe his own blade. There was, with anything else, a margin of error. Maybe his opponent utilizes his other hand, maybe he activates a kido spell, hell, he could even tris and falls on his ass. It didn’t matter to Maho, He trusted the swiftness in his step, and truly believed that no matter what it was, he could react accordingly. He would not relent whether his strike was successful or not, fully prepared to continue with a combination of strikes.
Maho’s spiritual energy continued to escalate, along with the potency of his spiritual pressure. He was preparing for his opponents own spiritual power to do the same, should he fail. This was based solely on instinct. For as long as these arms, should they have met success, remained in contact with master Higen, they would steadily drain energy from his being. This in turn would augment their strength over time. He was fully prepared for the consequences of failure, ready to match his opponent’s spiritual energy or his physical strength with his own.





Show me; He’d asked his opponent without uttering a single variation of those words, and he was yet to disappoint. The formidable combatant that was the pupil, Mahō had exemplified extraordinary control over his body, and what Higen had recently discovered to be his very own constant-release type zanpakuto. The feat itself was amazing, requiring an indisputable amount of spiritual energy for its upkeep. It was also—in fact—the very first of its kind that Higen had the pleasure of not only seeing, but fighting against first hand. Its might, combined with Mahō’s aptitude to overwhelm his adversary were a match made in heaven. Even so, Higen and Hitsumishi were a far more experienced couple, despite still being in the “honeymoon phase”, their bond soon to be encapsulated on this very field of battle. The discovery that he had already been fighting his opponent’s release was the only catalyst he needed to unshackle his own, though it wouldn’t be that simple. Both How well Mahō had done concealing the true nature of his Zanpakuto and the little restraint he displayed in its usage were ample indication that his intentions were to not only use this advantage, but to maintain it at all costs.
Smart. In lament terms, the humility and lack of ego present today was a breath of fresh air, as both qualities were imperative for keeping Higen on his toes, and off of yours. In many ways he understood the thinking, and saw an unambiguous resemblance to himself in the young fighter. Each moment or window was either one of mistake or opportunity, though had seemed to hardly be either for the duo, until now. The moment the somewhat oddly-embellished black palms met with Higen’s reinforced arm he could feel the attempt to clench, swiftly and with immediate force like the jaws of a predator. He had no time to assess, though his body—a byproduct of many difficult battles—works akin to an immune system, his very reiryoku cynical of danger. In that same instant the clenching motion would occur, Higen’s arm, along with the entirety of his body would become serrated. His reiryoku had been ingrained into a grindstone, becoming a layer comparable to the sharpest of blades. Simultaneously, every inch of his figure began to convulse at alarming speeds; each spasm of muscle was the stimulant to another in one inextricable, diminutive process, converting Higen’s body into a humanoid buzzsaw. Mahō’s zanpakuto, which seemed to have some sort of energy absorption properties would probably dismay this formulation of the Gakepuchhi (崖っ縁; “Cliff-Edge”) in the hands of a less experienced practitioner; though it was Higen’s masterful control that allowed him to outpace the absorption in the brief moment of their impact, contributing to its upkeep and subconsciously repairing the sharp layer before the hands absorbed it completely.
His right arm fidgeted, or slightly moved in an upward fashion similar to that of a swat. The movement was small, but enough to generate force for the gargantuan man. The whetted layer of reiryoku combined with this motion could seamlessly bisect even the most reinforced alloys, though Higen was unsure how Mahō’s zanpakuto fared in comparison. Even so, his very own reinforcement allowed him to make such movement, which was no easy feat for sure. Had the blade that his arm had become failed to sever the arms—or more specifically—the hand portions that had forced themselves onto Higen, the clamping motion would still inevitably falter, as the convulsing, sharp layer was enough to at the very least create the space that allowed a slip. The force of the initial Sōkotsu, however, did not waver, still forcing him about fifteen yards backwards. In this process, the arms would seem to be launched forward unlatched from Mahō’s person. As a testament to his own agility, Higen launched himself mid-skid, his body contorting in the same instant with a watchful eye, wary of any changes to the arms that Mahō seemed able to control indefinitely, ensuring that they didn’t make contact with his frame by any means. While moving backward his free hand had already traveled to the hilt of his zanpakuto. Higen’s launch would be an indication that his center was regained, and assisted in creating an additional five yards for a total of twenty. Free of the hands’ touch, before even meeting the full distance, three things would occur in unison; Higen’s reiatsu would peak, he’d unlatch his sword just barely, and spew words out in a hurried, hushed whisper. - “Shine” -
In such a spontaneous moment, Higen’s reiatsu was expelled aggressively, far beyond anything prior to this very moment. It was potent and focused, released in a quick, startling flash, an unconventionally blinding light emanating from his person. The entire area became consumed in the sun-like bomb, this expulsion equivalent to one hundred or more flashangs in a singular localization. Not only would it completely envelop the Valley of Screams as far as the two of them had vision or lack thereof, but would also administer a sharp and instant pain to the eyes of the observer. As a visual property, it wasn’t something to be denied by just exerting your pressure, and as a bare minimum would catch a sight-seer off guard, and even disrupt their concentration. Concurrently, a calamitous force exploded, a concussive wave expanding five yards in each direction with Higen as its epicenter, pushing all things outward with an undeniable stubbornness, attempting to shield Higen from approachers; a derivative of his explosive reiatsu emission.
The hushed whisper, an alternate release, if someone had the liberty of being close enough to hear they would probably not even make out proper annunciation or completion of one syllable. It wasn’t needed, someone in tune with their zanpakuto can release in much worse conditions, while some can even release without the release phrase it all. It was all dependent on the communication between the zanpakuto and its wielder, which in this case was pristine. Had everything gone accordingly, Higen’s hands would then be clad in a radiant blue armor. In a single change in posture, no waiting after the change of his zanpakutos shape and longer moving backward, he’d pull both of his fists down like a ravenous silverback, driving his gauntlets into the ground. Immediately, the reishi of the rocky surface would begin to convert, and sprouting from its roots would come massive pointed crystalline spikes each about twenty feet in height forming a cage with no openings, the roof comprised of the points of the curved pillars completely sealed off. The opaline, emerald pillars appeared in a flash, seemingly in the same moment that Higen’s hands met the dirt. Afterward, more spikes would appear, similar in shape and size on the outskirts of the cage in random locations along a fifty feet radius, manifesting a forest of crystal-like structures, each barb approximately ten feet apart.
Had Mahō continued any follow-up motions after the initial impact of the Sokotsu, he’d have to overcome being blinded and also repulsed by an overwhelming wave of pure force. Even still, closing the gap between them would put him into the impaling range of the initial spikes that rose into a cage, forming in a circle with only a foot of space from Higen’s person. The forest of stakes would also prove difficult for maneuverability, and for the most part were here to stay. An attempt at the crystals’ destruction would more than likely lead to failure, their composition far greater than diamond, obsidian, or any other formidable stone that existed naturally, standing as a true reflection of both Higen and his zanpakuto’s tendency to remain unmoving. It was time things were bent back to his will.
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"I SAID, not so fast...!" he thought to himself.
This would be Maho’s last attempt to get the upper hand on Higen. Close quarters combat was an art form. As opposed to techniques that can be released at a distance, when it came to CQC only so much can occur in such a small time frame. Those who did not move decisively would make no headway. Still, Maho had dictated the pace and order to see his plan to fruition he wouldn’t abandon this goal so easily. He had utilized Shunpo whilst his arms had attempted to latch onto Higen. He had taken into account that such a tactic could fail, but it had provided him the chance he needed. It was true, he hadn’t expected, for that same layer of energy coating his body to remain a problem. Captain Higen was crafty and his age showed, he was able to keep his composure whilst someone like Maho was applying pressure, something that was not common during many of the young shinigami’s training sessions, or even out on missions.
Still, The Dragon of Kojima had no time to think or ponder, he had made up his mind already.
As it was, the act of separating himself from his auxiliary arms was an easy enough task. His Shunpo allowed him to close the gap in the same time frame that Higen had been attempting to cleave his Zanpakuto’s ligament in two, something he would find was somewhat effective, though this alone would leave him unable to do any serious damage to them. They were a Zanpakuto after all. Considering the fact that very few replications had occurred, each hand was already strong enough to withstand substantial punishment, this would be made even more apparent as each component melded together, increasing its strength much more in the process. Despite its steel-like consistency, his hand first collided with it causing a metallic clash to ensue. Then his hand would slip through like a knife through play-dough, its material simply molding around his hand and reforming itself as though he hadn’t motioned his hand at all. At best, he bought himself a few precious milliseconds. Despite their ‘failure’, so long as their user had the will to move them, they would continue on with impressive velocity. They charge onward in pursuit of him, though if left alone, Higen would finish grasping his blade long before they could become one and grasp him, that is….
If it wasn’t for Maho’s Improvised Shunpo, the Rolling Step.
Before each hand could become one Maho was below on Higen’s left. He had already been in the act, having had every intention of doing so. It was not a secondary action, but rather a simultaneous one. The elder had only managed to give himself roughly five extra yards before Maho collapsed upon him. To compensate for the elders sudden backpedaling, he had already thrust himself forward with his own impressive speed so that both figures were traveling forward at roughly the same rate. Just moments before Higen’s would theoretically grasp his blade, in his final gambit, the Dragon of Kojima would enhance the spiritual energy already surrounding his own arm. His form was nothing short of flawless. The difference in height would make a pivotal difference here, forcing the younger Shinigami to miss his target by a hair. This, however, was accounted for, as Maho’s voice filled Higen’s ear.

”IPPAI KINZOKU: Ryōooooodan !”
It was then, that a monumental wave of force was generated in an upward fashion. The last thing Higen would see was a blinding flash of silver. Such a technique roared forward, splitting the stone beneath them in two, creating a forty-yard gash in the distance. Not only that, but a large column of dust engulfed both Shinigami in a thick haze. The arc of force would close the inch-wide gap between Maho’s arm and Higen body in a literal instant.
This was a combination of Zanjutsu and Hakuda, something only Maho could have come up with given the type of Zanpakutso he wielded. That layer of energy, the Gakepuchhi (崖っ縁; “Cliff-Edge”) as he would later learn its name, would be fully tested now. How likely is it that Higen escaped this technique unscathed? Would he be bisected in two? Sure, the act of working against ‘gravity’ meant that this strike wouldn’t be as powerful as it could be had his arm been coming downward, but the effect was similar enough to be dangerous to even an unguarded captain.
There was no chance that Maho hadn’t made it in time, right? His Shunpo was much better than Higen’s ‘natural agility meaning he would need something more to escape him. There wasn't a shinigami alive who could release their blade while still in its sheath...was there? Worst case scenario? Higen takes no damage and releases his Shikai all whilst Maho is within its range. He would adjust himself as necessary to avoid being destroyed but honestly, he had bet his soul on the opposite. Any other scenario, even if it sent the old man crashing along the ground with minor injury would be favorable. Hopefully, Maho could place substantial enough damage on the elder before his blade released to constitute a small moral victory. Even he, with all his pride as a fighter could find some solace in that.
The Dragon knew full well that he had no more time. Once the elder unreleased his blade, the battle would change dynamically. Smalls tricks and speed alone could not save him. Given that the elder captain had been attempting to do so meant that he saw Maho as a threat worthy of a good portion of strength. Had he somehow been too late, had the elder captain been able to outpace his shunpo and his preemptive maneuvers with nothing but brute strength and basic agility, Maho would attempt to meet his reiatsu head on with his attack. He would gain nothing by fleeing. He would withstand his opponent’s spiritual energy no matter how blinding or forceful. Captain Higen wasn’t getting away. At the very least, he would take the discomfort in order to trade blows with him, hoping to strike him long before he was able to embed his fists in the ground and eject the forest of crystal and only just before disconnecting his blade even a little. Even if their timing matched, both forces would collide expanding along with the force of their reiatsu. This clash would resemble a supernova eviscerating any stone in the distance. In this scenario, Maho would be carried away by the immense blast and left to his own devices.

Would Captain Higen end up on his back? Or would the area be engulfed in swirls of silver and bright green. A wise man once said, “The Power to crush fate surely resembles a swinging blade.” Many believed that now, here in this place, that Maho Kojima was attempting to do that exact thing. If Captain Higen was favored to resemble fate in this situation than Maho would be the blade attempting to crush it. He had put everything into challenging the eyes of observers who expected only to see him fail including the captain testing him, Higen Kagayaki.
The Dragon's claws had descended upon its adversary bringing forth destruction.
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The passiveness that shaped Higen’s position during this examination was haunting him, of course. Allowing his opponent to take a subtle lead in order to appropriately gauge him was a necessary precaution and had significant differences to Higen’s demeanor when he simply wanted to exterminate someone, or thing. Up to now, he was rather impressed; his opponent’s physicality in comparison to most that he’d seen was only second to his own, and hardly so. Mahō was adamant about not letting up the pace, a vaguely respectable attribute; sometimes, however, it can put one in harms way, seeing as though every opponent should not be approached the same. Realistically, Higen is the last person you’d want to be within arms-reach of, however Mahō was perfectly capable or at least that was how it had seemed. His rather long, individual locks of swaying green flipped over his shoulder as his body contorted in a multitude of places. The environment had already been ravaged due to the combination of the martial artists’ fury; however it was his own fear that it would only get worse.
He’d been unable to release, no window presenting itself, likely due to Mahō’s fear of that outcome; Again, respectable. The utilization of Hitsumishi in an environment where he didn’t have to be concerned with the damage he’d cause would undoubtedly expedite the test’s end, or at the very least push the youthful fighter into his Bankai. A sight he’d hoped to see, though it seemed that this eventuality was rather distant.
Hakuda at this level involved with the usage of ones’ zanpakuto was not only unconventionally destructive, but also extremely fast paced. The two of them had been included in this bout almost without any thought, every action a product of intuition and reflex, a true fighter’s skill. Thanks to the Gakepuchhi (崖っ縁; “Cliff-Edge”), he had been free of his opponent’s grasp, or at least for a moment. His entire body seemed to flicker with the speed of a cicada’s wings, every inch of him covered in a thin, translucent layer of his own reiryoku, layered over the pre-existing Senren. He launched himself just a few additional yards backward, and with this space it was his initial thought to release, though this would once again be interrupted. His opponent, small and craft, had already adjusted to the increased distance, in a flicker that was hardly even distinguishable by Higen. There was something unorthodox to its nature, similar to everything else Mahō proceeded to pull from his bag of tricks. After all that had transpired, it was this moment, where Higen’s eyes opened wide. Mahō was at his doorstep, a strike rearing toward him. Things seemed to slow down; not literally, but it was as if every small detail was amplified. Every fluctuation of Mahō’s muscles happened in small, isolated increments each breath he took rang loud and heavy. Each shift of his body cause a small spell of wind to blow at the base of Higen’s Hakama.
Higen could feel the reiryoku festering within the boy, growing, swelling, a volcano about to erupt. Was this what it had come to? Was this what Mahō wanted? - A measuring contest? The dragon wanted to breathe its fire onto the Shining Knight? The Knight had his own fire. The Shining Captain, with his left hand grazing over his zanpakuto and his right still slightly elevated had decided no more would he try to diffuse the volatile nature of his combatant. No, he’d match it, and then some. Just under half a second after Mahō’s own strike had began to fly towards Higen—who had no time to become any smaller of a target—Higen’s right hand, cloaked in the Gakepuchhi still, stiffened, his fingers hugging each other tightly in an open palm. A formidable chop-like posture overcame it, and began to swing down toward the smaller target with malevolent force, gravity assisting in its travel speed and overall power. Instantaneously, his hair could be seen floating towards the sky as if he had fallen one hundred stories, thick strands of a glowing green encompassing his figure. His body had become a bomb for his own reiatsu, which was emitted without suppression, in a way that would shake the very Framework of the Valley of Screams. First flashed silver, and then flashed green, a pillar exploding outward to combat the shimmering light of his adversary. The wave of spiritual energy to be exuded from this chop was nuclear, and as the earth would be severed behind Higen, it would also come to be severed behind Mahō, the integrity of their battlefield in question. As Mahō’s roars met Higen’s ear, The Shining Captain had caused his own roar to bellow out, the explosion before them inconceivable.

The two of them undoubtedly would be unable to see, and in the instant that the two strikes would collide the outcome was a mystery. Before he’d even been able to complete his strike Higen’s left side of his body had begun to blacken, as if affected by some sort of burn, though not a single sign of severance present on his body. Ironically, Mahō had tested him, and this was the outcome. There was no doubting the oppressiveness of one of the most prominent spiritual entities occupying Seireitei in recent memory. Higen would fly backward at the cause of both his own force and Mahō’s and did not have the ability to even see his opponent. This is what happened when Higen stood his ground, destruction on a scale unfamiliar to even the most powerful beings. How would young Mahō fare with the titans.
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The entire Valley of screams groaned in agony. The sky blackened, as swirls of bright green and silver danced along the sky like paint being splashed upon a canvas. In truth, such destruction was beautiful. The outburst of rival spiritual energies churned up the remainder of the stone beneath their feet, creating a massive hole in the ground. Maho had become engulfed in the slew of energy. He had initially attempted to hold his ground; however, the force was far too great for his bravery. His flesh rippled. His arms came up in defense, crossing over his face and upper torso might flight. The metal around his arms melded together, forming a small dome shield which rapidly absorbed much of the incoming spiritual energy, however it did little to maintain his footing, as his body soared backward like a cannonball. Everything around in sudden turned and all that could be heard was the roaring of the explosion.
He eventually came crashing into the ground nearly twenty yards in the opposite direction of Captain Higen. His body contorted like a feline, whipping in a backward fashion so that rather than his back being adjacent to the floor, his legs came colliding with the stone. Instantly, his feet dug into the ground, causing him to lose his balance again. He tumbled backward several meters, completing numerous tumbles along the way. On his last roll he thrust out his arm to brace himself. His blackened arm came crashing into the dirt,
still not enough.
It wasn’t enough to stunt the rigorous momentum. Next he plunged both arms into the ground and steadied his legs as a large dense trail of dust kicked up in front of him. Although this decelerated him slightly, the ground was quickly being reduced to rubble. His arms rebounded off a section of stone that was much denser than normal causing him to rebound off the ground once more. This time behind him came a large hand that caught him much like a mitt does a baseball. It was his own, having doubled in size. With so much excess spiritual energy absorbed it had been shrouded in a dense green hue.
He sat here for a minute or so as the light show died down. The dust subsided slowly but surely revealing a large one hundred twenty-yard cavity where the two opposing forces collided. Maho coughed a number of times, before lowering himself to his feet. His muscles ached. He moved his left arm up to his right shoulder and rotated it a number of times to loosen the joint. There were scuffs scratches along his body but nothing major. He ruffled his hair in order to get the remaining dust out then spit to his left, revealing a small amount of blood. Busted lip? Great.”
He hobbled forward at a slow pace, looking as though he had a slight limp. Had he got the old man? ”No way. The crafty old fool managed to respond at the last second. Tch...i’ll get him next time for sure…” Little Did Maho know he had already shown more than enough to be worthy of the position he would eventually become known for. He had yet to lower his guard entirely. He could not see Captain Higen, yet his monstrous presence had refused to cease.
” That Technique…. the layer of spirit energy around him. I’m sure he took much of the damage off with it. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have had to work so hard. That’s not a bad move..”
He allowed himself to become temporarily trapped in his thoughts again. Where had Master Higen gone? Would he emerge soon? was he trying to sneak up on him? Would he release his weapon and approach again. The young shinigami could do nothing else but observe, waiting patiently for his adversary to approach him. And so, the dragon waited after revealing its fangs. Little did he know, that the battle was already done.
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