
⦿2nd Division Headquarters & Barracks 一 Like all the other barracks, the 2nd Division Barracks house the offices and living quarters of the Shinigami of the 2nd. The buildings are amazingly luxurious, the offices are said to boast automatic doors and heated floors. The barracks even have a hot spring.
⦿Nest of Maggots 一 The Nest of Maggots (蛆虫の巣, Ujimushi no Su) is an underground prison under the supervision of the Onmitsukidō's third corps (known as the Detention Unit). Located in the north-west section of the Second Division's grounds, it is surrounded by a thirty ken (approx. 54.54m) wide moat and a high wall. It is accessible by a wooden bridge. On the inside, it resembles a cave, with an area for prisoners. Treatment for the prisoners is mostly lenient; they can walk freely and converse with one another, but the bleak setting drives many to madness. Prisoners are not held inside a cell and are free to roam the Nest, but they may not set foot outside of the facility. When a Shinigami becomes a potential danger to other Shinigami and Soul Society, that Shinigami is brought to the Nest of Maggots for imprisonment, regardless if they were put on trial, and even if they did not actually commit any crimes; this is to ensure no danger will be brought to Soul Society. Neither the staff of the Detention Unit nor any other visitors are permitted to carry a Zanpakutō into the Nest of Maggots. This measure means the wardens are required to be able to control the prisoners with bare hands. If a Shinigami desires to enter and is not adept at hand-to-hand combat, they may not enter. This is to prevent rebellions and escapes from the prison.
⦿Shihōin Family Manor Compound 一 Shihōin Manor (四楓院邸, Shihōin yashiki) is the primary residence of the Shihōin Clan.
⦿3rd Division Headquarters & Barracks 一 Like all the other barracks, the 3rd Division Barracks house the offices and living quarters of the Shinigami of the 3rd. Persimmon trees are known to be planted in the barrack grounds.
⦿Kidō Corps Headquarters 一 The Base of Operations for the Kidō Corps. It is here that Kidō are studied and developed, while more in depth training in the field is done here. Its members are secretive, very few outside of the Corps or its affiliated Division have ever stepped within the territory.