It was a fine day in the soul society. Across the Sereitei the current captains and many of their subordinates were going about their daily lives. Some in the world of the living. Others in their barracks goofing around with their Lts. Maho however, was currently alone. Many of his own squad members were out and about doing their own thing giving him time to work on himself.
"Focus...Draw on the power from within. Imagine it. Dancing flames. Concentrate..."
He was standing within the pond that sat just outside his own office. The water was cool and pleasant to the touch. Around him was an assortment of plants and foliage that he had grown himself. His pants legs were rolled up to his knees though he kept his captains jacket on. It was short enough that it wouldn't end up dragging along the water's surface. He bent his knee's, into a horse stance and closed his eyes. The smoke from his rolled blunt coiled into the air and dissipated at a continuous rate. The air was rather calm, simple breezes came and went. For a time, there had been nothing but silence. slowly his spiritual energy began to rise, coating his body. As his reiatsu gathered, the water beneath him began to disturb until small bubbles began to form as though it was boiling. The heat was gradually rising around him until his voice exploded into the area around him.
Suddenly his. reiatsu which was typically gray and neutral turned into a surge of flames. A flash of bright fire flashed into the sky and for just a moment, he had maintained it. That was until the blunt in his mouth suddenly puffed up at the tip. A number of sparks appeared and then
BOOM it exploded, sending his crashing along the ground and into a nearby rock. He hit it head first causing him to yell out in what felt like agony. Fresh cracks formed in the boulder, and despite a large lump on his head, he was otherwise unharmed.
"FUCK! OUCH. Why in the hell can't I hold that shit for no longer?!
Slowly but surely he made his way to his feet, dusting himself off. There were traces of soot and ash on his clothing which he would have to wash some time later. He frowned, looking up at the sky, which was baby blue, with small patches of clouds.
"Maybe I should go see Higen Sama. His Kido isn't anything to be happy about, but maybe he has some tips about that one move I've been trying to rip off him. hmm...I sure as hell ain't gonna get nowhere just sittin' around here.
He fixed his pants legs and strolled back into his office. At his desk were a number of brown leaves and a large jar of green plants that had a unique fluorescent glow. He grabbed a bundle and crushed it in his hand. He sprinkled the crushed plants onto the brown leaf and in one flawless motioned rolled it together. He licked the ends which allowed it to stay rolled and tucked it into a small box that had two others within.
Three should be enough to last me the rest of the day.
He smiled and stuffed the box into his pocket before heading out the front door and into the streets. Things were fairly quiet in the southeast section of the Seireitei today. Not a single person in the streets. Maho would casually stroll along for an unknown amount of time. Though he thought he would visit Master Higen today, he had a way of wondering about and getting into random encounters he didn't necessarily plan on.