[BSD-Rank] Rankings and Requests




Application: Signy Hoshi


The Captains have reviewed your scenario and reached their verdict...

Sorry Signy, you do not advance to the next round.

After discussion, the Captain’s have decided that your post does not display enough qualifiers to advance you to the combat portion of the Captaincy Test. If you have any questions regarding your performance, or what factors went into this judgment, please feel free to privately message any of the captains. For now, you will remain Signy Hoshi, and upon transferring, will be the 3rd Seat of the Thirteenth Division. This means, unfortunately, that you will have to obtain Bankai in character through reasonable roleplay methods. Thank you for applying, it takes a lot of courage to do so, and your effort has been noticed. The Captains look forward to seeing how you develop as a character, and we hope to see you as an applicant again in the future!



Application: Honoka Oki


Captain Honoka Oki!
The Captain’s Council has reviewed your application, and welcomes you as one of their own! From this moment forward, you will be known as Honoka Oki, Captain of the Third Division! In your eligibility application, you told a consistent and engaging narrative, stayed in line with the scenario presented to you, and remained consistent with your responsibilities. As for your proficiency test, you displayed a tactical mindset, adhered to the limitations of your abilities, acknowledged your losses and wounds, and displayed an excellence knowledge of your abilities. You may now update your bio to better reflect your new found rank, congratulations Captain Honoka!
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Application: Eizoku Yugameru


Sorry Eizoku

Maybe next time!

You did well in your first round, so much so that the Captains decided they wanted to see more from you. However, after analyzing your fight they have reached the conclusion that your skills are better suited to a higher seated or even Lieutenant rank, and aren’t quite up to par of what is expected from our Captains, yet. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your performance, please feel free to contact any of the Captains, as well as the Captain Commander, privately. It takes a lot of courage to overcome self-doubt and apply for Captaincy, and yours has been noted. You are free to make any necessary adjustments to your bio, and may begin to roleplay as Eizoku Yugameru, Lieutenant of Sixth Division!




Application: Nao Murakami



Captain Nao Murakami!

The Captain’s Council has reviewed your application, and welcomes you as one of their own! From this moment forward, you will be known as Nao Murakami, Captain of the Seventh Division! In your eligibility application, you told a consistent and engaging narrative, stayed in line with the scenario presented to you, and showed your capability in the Rukongai. As for your proficiency test, you showed deep consideration for your opponent and history, showed that you could take damage as well as dish it out, and displayed a strong strategic mentality. As such, once Captain Yugure enters the Senkaimon in character, you are then permitted to post into the roleplay as Captain Murakami.
Welcome to Bleach: Shattered Dimensions!




Application: Shizuka Hyouzoku


Another day in Naruki City brings more troubles. Ever since the God King’s appearance in the World of the Living, hollow activity has reached an all-time high while the 10th division’s reserves are at an opposingly all-time low. Still, they do their best, led by the gallant Lieutenant Hyouzoku who struggles but still proves successful thus far in maintaining the city’s peace.

Yet in the midst of this fragile peace roams a flourishing serial killer who has made headlines in local papers and local news stations. While humans are drawn to the news in shock and horror, what is more surprising is who the culprit is revealed to be. After being tracked down by other Shinigami who were patrolling the area, the suspect is revealed to only be a child, no older than 13 years old, but more importantly: a Fullbringer. What possesses this child to commit these heinous acts is unknown, but what is known by both those in the Soul Society and in the World of the Living is that he must be stopped.

The hidden truth, unknown to all save for himself, is that this child does not perform these heinous acts of his own volition. With their two souls entrapped literally within mice in a metal cage, the child’s parents are being dangled above his head as hostages by a particularly lazy Hollow. It does not wish to seek nourishment on its own but uses these valuable prisoners as encouragement for the boy to deliver souls for it to feast on. At first, the child was merely tasked to turn over other Hollows, but due to its spoiled nature, the young Fullbringer is now being tasked with killing other humans and feeding them to the villainous Hollow. Promised night after night that his parents’ souls will be returned to him, the child is too young to realize the Hollow is more than pleased to utilize his naivete in perpetuity as the death toll rises.

Despite all attempts, the child is forced to comply as he has deduced he is unable to overwhelm the Hollow himself and is unable to find anyone else who is willing to help. With the recent alliance between Xaltation and the God-King, the Fullbringer organization has ignored the boy’s pleas despite him being one of their own, fully turning a blind eye to the secret evil that has ravaged his life.

One 10th Shinigami has scratched only the tip of this plot’s iceberg, having tracked the Fullbringer boy and returning to Shizuka Hyouzoku to pass on the minimal intel he has gathered. Unaware of the truth that plagues this boy and what is on the line for his parents’ survival, it is now up to the Lieutenant himself to deal with the growing threat in whichever way he deems best.